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Step-by-Step Item Entry
Quality is EVERYTHING. See accepted items here.
See our pricing guide here.
Use specific item descriptions, but no need to be lengthy.
Ex: "Gap blue striped shirt" rather than "blue shirt" -
If using voice entry, don't forget the "cents!"
Select "Discount" if you want your item discounted 50% on Discount Day.
Select "Donate" if you want your item discounted 75% on Discount Day and given to a local charity if unsold.
Sign in and click on Manage Items, click Add, and select Manual.
Summer online sales only: Click Add Photo, and select your item photo. Use good lighting on a neutral background. Avoid using "live" iPhone photos. Portrait (upright) photos work best.
Complete all fields:
Category & Size
Click Add, and keep going! Select your next Category and Size, and add the whole closet and playroom!
To print your tags, click the first box on the left side of your item list to select all, and click Print. Be sure to print all pages.
Once your tags are generated find your tags PDF wherever your device downloads are located, and send them to your printer from there.
For summer online sales, you'll print and attach tags to sold items only, after the sale is over.
For in-person sales, you'll print and attach tags before the sale.
After tags are printed you're ready to prep your items!
Sign in and click on Manage Items, click Add, and select Voice.
Summer online sales only: Click Add Photo, and select your item photo. Use good lighting on a neutral background. Avoid using "live" iPhone photos. Portrait (upright) photos work best.
Select your first item's Category and Size.
From your desktop/laptop: Click the microphone box, and begin speaking this sequence using your item info:
"Brand: Gymboree" (if no brand, just say "none")
"Description: blue jeans" -
"Price: four dollars and zero cents" (Don't forget the cents!)
"Discount: yes (or) no"
"Donate: yes (or) no"
"Quantity: one, two, etc" -
From your phone: Tap the "Tap here" box, then tap the microphone icon on your keyboard, and begin speaking the sequence above.
Keep going! Select your next Category and Size, and add the whole closet and playroom!
To print your tags, click the first box on the left side of your item list to select all, and click Print. Be sure to print all pages.
​Once your tags are generated find your tags PDF wherever your device downloads are located, and send them to your printer from there.
For summer online sales, you'll print and attach tags to sold items only, after the sale is over.
For in-person sales, you'll print and attach tags before the sale.
After tags are printed you're ready to prep your items!
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